


How to Study the Bible

This series, recorded from our men's bible study, presents a thorough understanding and implementation of what could be termed, "expository studying." The principles and practice in this series helps to equip believers in general and men of God in specific, to accurately handle the word of God in their personal study.

The Relationship Series

Keving Huang leads the College and Career group through a topical study on a biblical perspective on dating and relationships that lead to marriage. 

How to Study the Bible

This series, recorded from our men's bible study, presents a thorough understanding and implementation of what could be termed, "expository studying." The principles and practice in this series helps to equip believers in general and men of God in specific, to accurately handle the word of God in their personal study.

The Relationship Series

Keving Huang leads the College and Career group through a topical study on a biblical perspective on dating and relationships that lead to marriage. 

How to Study the Bible

This series, recorded from our men's bible study, presents a thorough understanding and implementation of what could be termed, "expository studying." The principles and practice in this series helps to equip believers in general and men of God in specific, to accurately handle the word of God in their personal study.

Independent Messages

How to Study the Bible

This series, recorded from our men's bible study, presents a thorough understanding and implementation of what could be termed, "expository studying." The principles and practice in this series helps to equip believers in general and men of God in specific, to accurately handle the word of God in their personal study.

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