
Student Ministry

The Anchored group is for ages 11 to 13. They meet on Sunday mornings during the second hour (10:45 am - noon) in the choir room below the auditorium for a time of teaching and fellowship. Anchored combines with the Resolved group (ages 14-18) on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15 pm for biblical instruction and fellowship. This group also has regular activity times designed for both enjoyment and further discipleship.

  Upcoming Events:

Winter Retreat Registration


The Resolved group is for students aged 14 - 18. Rooted in Paul’s desire from Philippians 3:8 and the example of the teenage Jonathan Edwards, we desire that students will be resolved to live for Jesus Christ and follow Him as Lord.

Coming alongside of parents in the encouragement and discipleship of students, we faithfully proclaim Christ and the Gospel each week to students, trusting that God will save and transform through His Word. To encourage students to be resolved to live for Christ, we:

  • Teach God’s Word
  • Practice Biblical Discipleship
  • Encourage Christian Community

We regularly have social activities as well as Summer Camp and Winter Retreat.

On Sunday mornings, Resolved meets from 10:45 am - noon in the Seminary Room. On Wednesday nights, Anchored and Resolved meet combined at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room.

For regular updates follow our Instagram account @tcbcresolved


Upcoming Events: 


Click the Links below to listen/download messages.

Winter Retreat 2022

Winter Retreat 2019