
Music Ministry

The music ministry at Twin City exists to utilize the gift of music to exalt our Triune God and to edify His people. Each week, a group of servant-minded musicians seek to use their God-given gifts to support our congregation in their musical worship. We intentionally select songs with lyrics that align with the Scripture's clear teaching about the character and work of God and that have tunes our entire congregation can sing. These selections come from all eras of Christian history. 

Here is an explanation of the philosophy of musical worship at TCBC:

There are a variety of musical groups that serve our congregation. If you are a member of Twin City Bible Church with a desire to serve the Lord and grow in your musical aptitude, there is likely a place for you in one of the following:

Worship Team/Band

Musicians in this group demonstrate a high-level of musical competency as well as faithfulness to God and His church. This is the core music team that leads our musical worship from week to week. It is comprised of a group of singers and rhythm band instrumentalists who serve on a rotating schedule throughout the year. Singers must demonstrate an ability to read music and sing independently. Instrumentalists must demonstrate an ability to read lead sheets and/or chord charts and play confidently in the context of a small band. In addition to rhythm instruments, experienced orchestral instrumentalists and keyboardists may also be incorporated into the band. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings at 8am.

Adult Choir

Commitment to the adult choir is often on a semester-to-semester basis (Fall through Christmas, January through May). An ability to read music and sing independently is helpful but not necessarily required. A brief interview with Kyle Harding is part of the membership process. This group serves periodically in Sunday services as a support to the congregational singing. They also learn stand-alone anthems for special occasions such as Legacy Conference, the annual Christmas concert, and Good Friday and Easter services. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7-8:15pm during the school year.


If you have a high-school level proficiency on an orchestral instrument, we have a place for you! Our church orchestra plays periodically for Sunday services as well as special events in our church calendar. They are often utilized to accompany our church choir as well as to support our congregational singing. A brief interview with Kyle Harding is part of the membership process. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6-6:50pm during the school year.

Student Choirs

It is important to us that the youngest attenders of Twin City Bible Church learn the priority of musical worship in the life of believers. To this end, all children aged 3-10 who attend Sunday School have a weekly time (10:15-10:40am) in which they learn the basics of singing technique and their responsibility to honor the Lord with the gift of music. The children also learn simple songs that they sing around Christmas and other times throughout the year.

From within the large choir, children who show faithfulness to weekly rehearsals and an eagerness to learn may be asked to join our Youth Chorale. This smaller group learns more difficult music during additional rehearsals that they sing for the Christmas concert and other times throughout the year. Typical ages in this choir are upper elementary through age 13. This group meets at 8am on Sundays.

Students aged 14-18 can join our Resolved Choir that rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6-7. Consistent attendance to rehearsals is the primary factor for determining membership in this choir. They sing for our annual Legacy Conference, Christmas concerts, and Good Friday/Easter services. The Resolved Choir often combines with our adult choir and orchestra in many of these service opportunities.

Our combined Youth Chorale and Resolved Choir recently had the opportunity to sing at a Winston-Salem Dash game:

Please contact Kyle Harding for more information about the music ministry at TCBC, or fill out the form below and Kyle will be in contact with you shortly: