
Missions & Outreach

In the Great Commission, Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to go out into all nations to spread the gospel.

Locally, support the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission.

Nationally, we support various organizations that have a like minded approach to the training, teaching, and preaching of God's word.

Globally, we support theologically sound missionaries involved in church planting and the training of national church leaders through the TMAI network.

For an in depth explanation for our philosophy of missions, click here.

Scroll down to see the the list of missionaries we currently support and where they serve in the world.


Albinesi, Cesare & Family
Rome, Italy

Gonzalez, Joey & Family
New York, NY

Albinesi, Marco
Sicily, Italy

Gravino, Johnny & Family
Rome, Italy

Andresen, Christian & Family

Montoya, Carlos & Family

Bixby, Matthew & Family
Monterey, Mexico

Moorhead, Jonathan
Geneva, Switzerland

Mark & Family

Pollutri, Giancarlo & Family
Florence, Italy

Brown, Robin & Family
South Africa

Snider, Paul & Family
Papua , New Guinea

Raymond & Family

Wilhelmsson, Miska & Family
Tampere, Finland

Gibson, AJ & Family
Regional Dir., Reaching & Teaching

Wreesman, Steven & Family
Togo, Africa

Glass, John & Family
Geneva, Switzerland

Zelaya, Edwin & Family

Gerdov, Igor
Samara, Russia



Capitol Commission
Raleigh, North Carolina

The Expositor's Seminary
Jupiter, Florida

The Master's University
Sun Valley, California

The Master's Academy International
Sun Valley, California

Truth Broadcasting
Salt Lake City, Utah

Banner of Truth
USA and UK

Winston-Salem Rescue Mission
Winston-Salem, North Carolina