
Children & Nursery

The Twin City Bible Children's Ministry exists to serve both you and your children. We serve parents by coming alongside them in their effort to teach their children biblical truth with the ultimate desire that the Lord will give them new hearts to love and serve him. We serve children by providing a safe and enjoyable environment where the Word of God is taught faithfully and Christ is exalted.


Our Children's Sunday School Ministry is geared for children three years old through age 10. Children are divided into separate classrooms based on age. Each Sunday your child will be guided through a bible lesson, crafts and activities, playtime and snack time.

Our Sunday School is divided into two ministry hours that run parallel to our adult Sunday School and Worship Services:

First Hour 9:00-10:15am (ages 3 through 10)

Second Hour 10:45am - 12:00pm (ages 3 through 10)

Middle Time (between services 10:15-10:40am) children ages three through ten meet for instruction in music and singing.


The Nursery is geared toward children ages birth through two-years-old. During your child’s visit, they will be cared for both emotionally and physically by our nursery staff. Staff will change diapers, bottle feed, provide a snack, hold, rock and comfort your child throughout their stay. Our nursery is divided into the following three classes:

  • Infant Room – Birth to 11 Months
  • One Year Olds Room – 12 to 23 Months Through play, singing, and snack time, we will encourage the principles of serving one another and obedience to authority
  • Two Year Olds Room – 24 to 35 Months Building on the foundations taught in the One Year Olds Room, there will be a more structured time of singing, Bible stories, snack time, and activities in which to engage your child and increase his/her awareness of God.

During Wednesday PM services, the two year olds room will be combined into the one year olds room.

If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Huang.



 Adventure Club meets from 7:00 - 8:15 pm on Wednesday evenings during the school year. There are classes for ages 3 through 10.